A Conspiracy of Ravens – LVC




A Conspiracy of Ravens, an evocative title that references the nearly forgotten collective noun for a group of ravens, serves as a metaphor for the birds themselves, which seem to vanish within our rapidly expanding urban environments. This project, a collaboration between LVC, photographer Otto Peng, Siciliano Contemporary Ballet,SCB, and movement director Marie Zechiel, offers a compelling tribute to these enigmatic creatures through a visually stunning exploration of fashion, movement, and nature. LVC s spring-summer collection draws inspiration from the elusive presence of ravens in our cities, capturing their mysterious, often misunderstood nature. The collection channels the birds‘ dark elegance and symbolic weight, merging it with contemporary fashion to create pieces that reflect the tension between the natural and urban worlds. The garments themselves are imbued with a sense of fluidity and sharpness, much like the ravens’ sleek feathers and swift movements. Marie Zechiel s role as the movement director is central to translating this vision into a dynamic, living narrative. Her expertise in movement direction ensures that the choreography resonates with the themes of disappearance, adaptation, and survival. By guiding the dancers of SCB, Marie brings the ravens‘ story to life, emphasizing their struggle to remain visible in a world that increasingly overlooks them. Her choreography mimics the birds‘ movements—at times subtle and graceful, at others sharp and unpredictable—reflecting the complex relationship between nature and urbanization. Photographer Otto Peng captures these fleeting moments, his lens focusing on the interplay between the dancers and the garments, creating a visual dialogue that transcends the traditional boundaries of fashion photography. The result is a series of images that not only showcase LVC s collection but also tell a story of resilience and transformation. A Conspiracy of Ravens stands as a powerful tribute to a creature on the brink of becoming an urban ghost, with LVC, Otto Peng, SCB, and Marie Zechiel collectively breathing life into a fading symbol of nature’s persistence amidst human expansion. Through this collaboration, the ravens‘ story becomes a poignant reflection on what is lost in the march of progress and what might still be saved through art, movement, and creative expression.

Born and raised in Germany, Marie Zechiel holds a degree in contemporary dance from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London and has danced professionally in numerous companies and on various stages across Europe and abroad.
Marie is a physical narrator, whose main form of expression is movement, that is seamlessly translated into stage, film, photo and performance work. Her choreographic craft is formulated trough authentic movement, character development and the interplay of curated bodies and formations. As a Choreographer and Movement Director Marie has been involved in many music videos, commercial shoots and fashion shows. Clients include: VOGUECalvin Klein, Longines, Heidi Klum, Rammstein, Herbert Grönemeyer, Mercedes Benz.